Sunday, November 9, 2008

Late night ramblings...

The last time I truly kept a blog going (Yes I delete my entries, thus deleting bits of history, I know. I ERASED HISTORY. There happy?) it ruined my relationship. Ever since then, I've had a few entries on my travels. Deleted. A few entries about my random thoughts. Deleted. Why do people blog? I've always found it a little egotistical to want others to be privy to your most absurd thoughts. And at the same time, I'll admit, I've always been a little insecure that my thoughts are not intelligent enough to be of any importance to blog about. Or that I talk about myself too much. But what does it matter really? Then I asked myself why not just keep a journal, why do you need to write about what goes on in that little brain of yours and share it with the whole world? I have justified myself with several reasons, the main one being that a)I type a whole lot faster than I write (thank you Mr. Pervy McDonald). And yes, I do like to argue and debate with myself. It makes me riddled with indecision and spices up my life a bit.

Now, the point of this entry. I guess you could say it is an introduction into the foray of... Well something new. Always something new. This entry is like my New Year's resolution full of resolve to do better. And at first I will attack it with such vim and vigor, but like all resolutions we all fall back into old habits. And I like to delete entries. Am I making any sense now? It is well past bedtime for me. So I bid you adieu. Next entry will be more writing while I am conscious and less ramblings of a spacecadet. Maybe.

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