Friday, January 30, 2009

Second half of... Myself!

13. I am almost convinced I am a scientific anomoly. Though I am not making a definitive statement,  I am under the suspicion I may be cold blooded. After living in Canada all of my life - where people still live in igloos - I have still not adapted to the cold. While some people sit around and sweat I can be in the same room shivering uncontrollably. I seem to be unable to produce any sort of body warmth. I can pile on as much clothing and blankets and jackets as I want, but they provide absolutely no insulation. Why? Because my body does not generate it's own heat. To get warm I must be in direct contact with an external source. (Think reptile basking in the warmth of the sun.)

14. I am highly suseptible to believing conspiracy theories.

15. I don't like to sleep.

16. I used to be a devout Catholic. I even went so far as to fast on all holy days. Which is pretty darn devout since fasting is not so much a Catholic thing. But one day I realized it wasn't about how many times you pray or how often you go to church or how well you know the Our Father. Life goes on whether or not you do these things. It seems like common sense, but as a Catholic you're always waiting for that moment when God will smote you for doing something blasphemous.

17. I think I'm weird. But I'm cool with that. I was never a fan of sheep.

18. I am nationally confused. Does that make sense? I don't know how to answer the question: Where are you from? It makes me uncomfortable and always goes like this...
Random: So, where are you from?
Me: I'm from Tron-ah.
Random: Where?
Me: Tron-ah. (Random gives confused look.) Toe... RON... Toe... (Still confused.) Canada.
Random: Ooooh! No. Where are you FROM?
Me: Canada.
Random: Noooo. Where. Did. Your. Parents. Come from? (Lots of frantic hand motions going on. Do I look deaf?)
Me: The Philippines? (I'm thoroughly confused at this point.)
Random: That's what I meant! So you're from the Philippines!
Me: No... I said I was from Canada...

19. Trying to think about things to write about myself is exhausting.

20. I had a crush on Eric from the Little Mermaid when I was younger. Come on he'd be a hunk in real life! Tall, muscular build. Thick, wavy, dark hair. Stunning blue eyes. Strong, masculine jaw. Always wearing a white shirt that exposes just enough chest to give a hint of how awesomely ripped and manly he is. Have I put way too much thought into the physical merits of a cartoon character?

21. I can type extremely fast. I don't understand people who type with two fingers.

22. I AM Van Wilder. I still do not have a degree because I've been preoccupied with life.

23. I was accepted to a commerce program in which the minimum average was 90% with calculus as a prerequisite. My average was 10% below the minimum and I dropped out of calculus due to my inability to understand basic math. To this day I credit it to my essay writing skills. Even if I am not an interesting blogger, at least I can write essays.

24. And you want to know how I picked which university to go to? I closed my eyes and pointed to one.

25. After all of this, you still don't know me. I'm just getting to know myself too.

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