Monday, January 19, 2009

Time goes by, so slowly...

And time. Can do soooooo much.

Oh my God. What was I thinking when I wrote the "Long Canadian Winter" entry. I wrote it way back in November! When winter wasn't even upon us. It has now been snowing for three days straight. The snow almost reaches our windowsill and our driveway needs to be plowed every few minutes.

I wonder how we've all made it thus far. I marvel at how the others have managed to survive. I am one of the young 'uns and I'm barely holding on. It's times like these that I wonder if there is a God. No God would allow such cruelty as we have seen.

Okay, I'm being overly dramatic. I tried. Winter sucks. It completely kills any inspiration I have. I need a muse. Open auditions. Name. Age. Occuptation. That sort of junk. Oh, and of course, why you think YOU have what it takes to inspire me. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand go.

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