Friday, January 30, 2009

Allow myself to introduce... Myself!

They say if you keep writing, it'll get easier. So that is what I am going to do until something exciting happens or I think of a brilliant, amazing, completely original, inovative idea. But until then it's quality over quantity. Or qualitative quantity. Whatever.

Anyway, I came across this idea from facebook, posting 25 random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. (Yes, lately it's been all about me me me. But like I said, I'm completely out of inspiration and I'm trying to keep a regular writing habit going. Unless someone can come up with a better plan it's gonna be all about me for now.) So, here are 25 things about me that you probably don't know.

25 Things About Me

1. I used to train at an academy as a ballerina. I would dance up to 18 painful hours a week, coming home with bleeding blistered feet to finish my homework in the wee hours of the morning. That all ended because I was too much of a tomboy to appreciate wearing pink and being a "graceful little lady".

2. I almost missed out on one of the best experiences in my life because I was scared. The day before my trip to Central America, I called the airlines to cancel my flight because I was too scared to travel by myself for six months. Thankfully, I forced myself to hang up the phone in time.

3. I don't like cake.

4. Despite all my ramblings about breaking free from conformity, I want the simple life. I want a nice house out in the country. I want an easy going 9-5 job. I want a husband, 2.5 children, the dog, and the white picket fence. I want it all.

5. I enjoy home reno and am quite handy with my toolbox. 

6. (How the hell am I going to get to 25?!?!?!) I'm a fatty on the inside. I LOVE food. I will try anything from snails to sweetbreads. Well, I draw the line at animals normally kept as pets. This means dogs, cats, horses. I have already eaten rabbit.

7. This is a sort of add on to #2. I am PETRIFIED to enter water that is above my ankle and not in a bathtub or a pool. I am scared of flying in planes. I am scared of being alone. And I get motion sickness on almost anything that moves. Which begs the question, how do I travel so much?

8. I'm not a picky eater and will eat anything, but I just cannot stand mushy food. Anything with the consistancy of eggs, eggplant, soft tofu, refried beans, etc. and my gag reflexes are on overdrive. But of course, I'll still eat it. At one point in my life I was eating close to five eggs a day. Don't ask. (I'm beginning to notice a theme here... Food for thought?)

9. I, secretly, aspire to be a broadway star or a showgirl.

10. I cannot carry a tune or keep rhythm.

11. As deep and intelligent as I like to pretend I am, Sex and the City is my bible to life. All of my life's problems thus far were solved or made clearer by one episode or another. I like to think of myself as a real-life Charlotte in the way that I think about life. But I tend to do more Carrie-like things.

12. My favourite food is steak.

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