Thursday, March 12, 2009

Celebrity Gossip

So. My friend asked me today... Why are people so interested in celebrities' lives? Or something of the sort, something conotating the negative aspect of following other people's lives. And I ask why not, what's wrong with it? I mean, it's not so great to get so caught up in celebrity life that you forget your own, but everythign in moderation right?

I look at it this way. People fascinate me. I am interested in why people are the way they are, why they do the things they do. That's why I love hearing and learning anything to do with history, anthropology, astrology, psychology, genetics, evolution. People are complex bundles so inctricately woven together, you can never truly know a person. But there are little aspects/traits that jump out at you and you can theorize where they come from.

Oh that mothering is the Cancer in her (Cancer the astrological sign, not cancer the sickness). Or oh, even though he's the youngest in the group he still quietly takes charge while letting the others have their way. I bet he has younger siblings.

Being able to read about celebrities and what stupid things they did today... Well, it's kind of like reading case studies. That are continuously happening. Unlike those case studies from 1974 that you read in your liberal arts text books. They are present day occurances of the human kind that you can ponder and analyze and pick apart. You can apply all the theories you've ever collected to these reccent events. And celebrity gossip are (is?) always the extreme case, perfect for more grandiose theories.

Anyway... At the end of the day it's all for shits and giggles. Watching people who are not myself amuse me. It's like... Watching How It's Made or How It's Done or... I don't recall the name of the show... But for humans. Only they don't tell you how they're made... No clue what I'm talking about anymore.

So in conclusion. It's like I always say. Guns don't kill, people do. Nothing is inherently bad. Life is what you make of it. For some reason that reminds me of The Matrix. Which I have never watched. I feel like I am having trouble staying on topic. Too much coffee maybe. Okay I'm off.

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