Wednesday, March 25, 2009

C'est what?

So after studying languages for some time, I've begun to rethink the English language. I believe that language, from intonation to word choice to history, can tell you a lot about a person or a people. For example, it completely irks my friend when someone says "wiki it" or "google it" which I'm sure almost everyone in my generation would understand. To him, however, it is a sign of our growing (and completely unnatural) over-dependence on technology.

I always thought it was funny how other people expressed themselves in other languages. I was one of those nation/culture-centric people that believed that the way my people did things was the normal way and that everyone else was weird. But now I wonder if it's us that's weird and that everyone else has got it right.

Another example: terms of endearment. Here (North America here) we throw around words like hun, babe, sweetie. Nice casual phrases. Nothing too deep. However in Spanish (sorry I am a little one sided in my languages) it's mi amor, mi vida, mi corazon (my love, my life, my heart) said in the same casual manner. In Arabic it's habibi also meaning my love. I guess I kind of feel like North Americans aren't as passionate about life as other cultures. I mean we live for drama and gossip, but we never let ourselves feel freely. We would never say to our significant other, " My life, can you please pass the salt?" No instead we would refer to him/her as a shortned form of a substance produced by insects, hun.

Anyway... I hope you get what I mean. I don't seem to have the words to explain myself properly. Oh the irony. By the way... Speaking of terms endearment, what does it say about the French who I've heard quite a lot let slip "mon chou" (my cabbage)?

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